Sunday, September 6, 2009


Our sweet Emmie has been being a typical toddler lately - testing her boundries - throwing tantrums (I know...not our sweet Emmie right?? just proof that even the most adorable children have their terrible two moments).

So her not so new thing has been to give a hit or threaten a bite to show she's really not happy with what you're telling her. We've been really consistent with re-directing her to hit or bite a pillow instead of us and she (for the most part) is cool with that. She'll do her thing and then be done with it and move on.

BUT I've decided that by the end of this "Terrible Two" stage I would still like my pillows to look nice so I made Emmie what has been dubbed her "STELLA!" Pillows. They look different then any of our other pillows (and I didn't pay a cent for them - just sewed up and stuffed two old shirts). She seems to like them and has even used them a few times to help her through her "moments".

Emmie's "STELLA!" pillows

Using the pillows....This was one good tantrum...I couldn't find my camera fast enough so this is just the end of it (sorry it's a little dark).

This is a little back ground for all of us who aren't familiar with the "STELLA!" reference...a short clip from Marlon Brando's shining moment in the film, A Streetcar Named Desire