Wednesday, September 23, 2009

School Days

I can't believe baby started pre-school last Monday. It all happened so fast! We (my mom, me, and Michelle( our friend/School Administrator)) always talked about her starting in October when she turned 2 but then my assistant went on maternity leave and my mom has been doing a lot of subbing at the school so Emmie has been coming with my mom and spending a lot of time in my classroom (which it has just not been successful to have me as Emmie's all of my student think of Emmie as a kind of "mascot" since she was born so they don't leave her alone...blah blah blah). Anyways I had her try out the Early primary 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 age group and she was totally ready. So since my mom is still subbing for at least 4 more weeks I just figured why not? Emmie loves it, she does great, and she's totally ready. So Monday was her first day and she LOVES school! It all happened a little sooner than I had expected - but surprisingly I'm having an easier time with the transition than my mom.

These are some pictures that Mrs. Hawley, Emmie's teacher, sent to me from her phone
Emmie and her new friend

Emmie during her "pink tower" lesson

So tired after a busy day! Emmie taking her first nap at school.


Coleman Family said...

Love the nap picture! She looks so tuckered out! And what a BIG girl! Wow, school already!

the goughs said...

So cute! I love that little girl!

Heidi said...

okay, so emmie totally looks like your mom in the first phone pic! adorabibble. how fun to be at school where mommy & grammy work. that's perfect!