Sunday, January 24, 2010

Only 10 more to go!

I hit my 30 week mark today! unbelievable.
Matt was looking at this family genealogy book with my mom today and they were finding all kinds of names that Matt was actually interested in (YEAH!...up until now whenever I suggest a name it's..."yah, that one's okay") so we'll see if we get some more options going!

Emmie's not going to know what hit her when we bring home a baby brother...I keep telling her that baby brother is in mommy's tummy and she really seems to care less...or at least not understand at all. Sometimes she'll look at her baby doll - then look at my tummy and give me this look like, "yah right there could really be a baby doll in there!"

To her credit though, there has been a sweet moment or two when she'll gently rub my tummy, give it a kiss, and say something I don't understand to it. Sweet girl.

And this picture is just because she's so dang cute! Enjoy!

Emmie gave me my camera and just stood there saying "cheese" until I snapped this picture...ha! Do you love the arm band or what?


'Force said...

I vote for Colwyn Coleman.

And for runner up, William Robert. Ask Matt about that, I have no clue why he would like that name. something about nicknames that go with it.

Kristy and Dave said...

Elyese - you look darling. I keep meaning to tell you that when I see you from a distance at church but for whatever reason, haven't yet!

We should do dinner again sometime soon, but this time I'll have you guys over to our house. :)

Amy Nielson said...

Congrats on getting into single digit weeks! We just hit 27 weeks and I'm super excited about being in the last trimester.

Hope your next 10 weeks go by quickly and painlessly :) You look great!

Heidi said...

you look so saxy! ;) what a cute belly! i can't wait to find out what name you decide on!

i should be excercising right now, but i had to check your bloggy instead. 10 more weeks baby!!!

oh, and emmie is so cute with the belly kissing and the dolly questioning. ;)