Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cleaning Out

So I'm in nesting mode and there are some things that just got to go! If you would like one or all of these things they are yours just come and get 'em! I'll also throw in a few cans of Krogger Turkey Gravy!!! (don't ask).

These boards have just been sitting in the closet for 2 years because part of me has been thinking that eventually I would turn them into something...and now there is another part of me that is saying: GET THEM OUT OF THE CLOSET!!!! and Matt see's no point in keeping the racket since he hasn't hit the court in a long time....

If no one wants's all good Matt is itching to drop some things off at Goodwill! (Matt's idea of a productive Saturday end with a sizable drop off to Goodwill. My idea of a productive Saturday is going to Goodwill...dropping 5-10 dollars and coming home with an arm full of treasures!


Coleman Family said...

Oh my goodness, I need to give SOOOO much away. It's hard though, isn't it? Especially when you bought something thinking you were going to repurpose it and you never have time and your hubby finds it and demands you either use or get rid of it! Those Coleman men! And I love me a good Goodwill jaunt too - I tell ya, we should live closer together... ;)

'Force said...

Ohh, no comment on "those Coleman men." I'll be nice for a change. I love Goodwill and any thrift store, except I look for different junk like nintendo games and 8 tracks. I just scored 3 dog night's "down on the corna."

The tennis racquet has to stay for the eventual one time use when I visit and play tennis for the first time since he last used it...which would be about, umm, 4 years ago. I'm sure it's fun playing in 90 degree weather. Tell MPC I just got rid of those crutches when we moved about a year and a half ago, and my 2 buddies used them.

Highly doubt we would ever visit but it would be fun. how about stashing it at mom and dads so it can gather dust sitting next to the 8 bit sega master system with no working controller that also hasnt been used in more than 4 years??