Friday, January 29, 2010

FHE Week 3 & 4

Week 3
Week 3 was really lame for us - Matt was spending his first week of his last semester sick as a dog with and upper respiratory infection (yuck!) and Emmie wasn't feeling good either and was down with an ear infection (for a few days I wasn't the only one up in the middle of the night tossing and turning!) BUT we did end up doing a mini FHE during dinner. I had just taught Sharing Time in Primary so I had a jar full of our Primary kids responses to "how does Heavenly Father show his love to you?" so we read those during dinner and called it good for that week! One of my personal favorite responses, "He gives me pizza." classic.
Week 4

We had a lesson on being kind to animals. We had a good time making animal noises and giving all the animals in Emmie's zoo box hugs and kisses. Yet again, we sang The Wheels on the Bus. (I tried to sing an animal song but Emmie wouldn't have it) we said a prayer and ate some ice cream. It was a fun time!


Heidi said...

so cute! i better start our fhe's again. i just love how you keep it short and sweet. so great! good job!

Liz said...

Maybe someday Emmie will let you sing something besides the wheels on the bus! :)

Jenna said...

I just have to say, I'm super impressed with your consistent (and so cute) FHE's! You'd think it would be easy to take a little time once a week, but it really just isn't. Way to go!