Monday, October 5, 2009

The Boot...Round 2

Today I was teaching...doing my thing...educating know...and then it happened...

A little girl rushed towards me with a wooden board in her hand (one of the Montessori works...nothing dangerous...just kind of sounds that way) and she trips over her feet - flies forward and catches her self(with the board in hand)...ON MY FOOT!! my bad foot that was broken just a few short months ago. She gets up and says "it's okay, i'm fine" and then looks at me and I'm watering up with the pain and says, "really, i'm okay". well that's nice.

I was kind of hoping that the pain would just go away...but it hasn't...Fortunately I've had my ugly boot in my trunk and I slapped that baby on and know exactly what to do...I've iced, I've elevated but now do I:

A. Go into the Doctor - put out $30 for him to poke, prode, possibly do and x-ray (do you think they can do an x-ray on my foot even though i'm pregnant?) and then have him say, "well that stinks, it's a stress fracture - wear your boot and i'll see you in 4 weeks" so then I can go in again and pay $30 for him to say, "lookin' good - take it off when it stops hurting"

But at least I'll have a diagnosis and know exactly what it is - same or different


B. Wear the boot until it feels better. save some money - but then risk it being something different and not treat it right....

hummm....i don't know....$60 is a good little bit of cash....but on the other hand....what if it's not a stress fracture like before....hummm.....I think I'll sleep on it.

p.s the good part out of all of this is that putting on my boot again has made me all nostalgic - I've been reminiscing about China and am motivated to finish posting about it!

Oh baby...I've been missing you...


Coleman Family said...

That stinks about your foot! Sorry! And ya think we could talk Phil into taking us again next year?! wink...wink...

Anonymous said...

Who knew teaching would be so hazardous to your health?

Did you get bruising last time? If there's no bruising then the bones are most likely in place and I'd just wear the boot. And that anon advice is worth every penny you just paid for it.

Katie said...

Oh no!

I wish I could give you some medical advice...but I actually think I'll stay far away from that. I would have no idea what I was talking about.

Hope it all works out!

Cody & Britt said...

you poor thing! sadly i know how you feel. i had foot surgery in february and had all sorts of complications...then last week (after my foot had been hurting for weeks) i went to the dr and found out that i broke my sesamoid bone. so i too am sporting the boot for round 2. hope you feel better soon!!

Bekka said...

What a bummer lady. Sorry! Let me know if you need anything. We move at the end of the month. No worries about helping, we've got it covered. You're the best.

Wendi and Matt said...

why is it your favorite??! and thank you :)

Wendi and Matt said...

ya seriously I totally am loving this better than first semester! It is funny our due dates are so close!