I miss running.
Okay, okay...I'm still running but it's not the same.
I've gotten slow
And it's too hot so I'm chained to my treadmill - blech.
I miss my running buddies.
Here's a look back at better times. My last race.
Coronado's Independence Day 5K & 15K
It was beautiful.
I was 7 weeks pregnant and super sick...but you wouldn't know it from the pictures right?
Ceri and John ran the 5K while I did the 15K
It was the most perfect day which made me kind of forget how sick I was...kind of.
I kept a nice, steady 10min/mile pace for 7 miles.
...then I ate some caffeinated gummies.
I kicked into high gear and passed 70 people in the last 2 miles!
So. much. fun.
Last year this was my first race. I reminisced a lot on the course. I would have never thought at the time that that one race would have been the spring board all the rest. And at the time I laughed at the thought of doing a WHOLE marathon. Oh how things change.
John, Ceri, and I post race
Making some "kills" in the last 2 miles
Sprinting to the finish
I love a good race
Oh and just for record keeping, here are my stats:
1188 people ran in the 15K that day.
742 ELYSE COLEMAN 346 28 66/130 F Gilbert 1:28:26 9:30
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