I just can't do it all...something that I've been having a hard time coming to terms with. But recently I've decided to take a chill pill and tell myself that it's okay not to be perfect - I've got a lot on my plate. So, with that in mind I've been simplifying different things in my life. One thing has been the Lime-Made blog. It was fun for a while - now it's just too much. Ceri and I are still crafting a lot - but remembering to take pictures and create posts was just a little if there is going to be any posting it will be on our own blogs.
Ceri and I decided that we really didn't like the name, "Lime-Made" so we've changed it - because we can. After some deliberation and discussion we've fallen in love with "Ellie & Fern" a little bit of each of us in the name. Hopefully, sometime soon, we will have the Etsy shop up and running!
This is my latest project. The Rollie Pollie by MADE I was a lot of fun to make and Emmie absolutely LOVES it! It was totally worth the $6 pattern purchase...I want to make one for me next!
The only thing that was a little hard to work around with this pattern is that when using the 1/2 seam allowance that Dana says to use, the Rollie Pollie top ends up too small so you have to either go back and make your sides smaller or pleat the extra fabric somewhere...I chose to pleat...Just fyi if you decide to ever make one...but who know's, maybe it was me. Do you see the pleat on the left side of the handle? It's really not noticeable unless you're looking for it.
I love it! You girls are so creative. Jealous? Alittle! :)
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