Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another Night Time Reading Story

After I put Emmie to bed the other night I hear her shuffling around, but don't pay it much mind because, as you saw from previous the previous dog post, she like's books (and dogs). So I go about my business. A few minutes later I hear her say "Mommy" and this is how it went:

I peek my head in and find Emmie sitting up in bed with her blanket over her lap and my nursing book opened wide (fortunately it was the one that doesn't have many photos!). I startled her and realize that she wasn't calling me but simply acknowledging the mommy in the book.

Emmie: Hi Mommy
Me: Hi Emmie, are you reading?
Emmie: yes (long pause) now go away.
Thinking Me: pardon...I didn't mean to intrude!

I blew her a kiss (trying not to get my feelings hurt because my two year old daughter just told me to "go away"), she waved sweetly back, and then I closed the door. 10 minutes later I check on her and she has her dolly under one arm and the book under the other. It was cute.


Jenna said...

haha she's so spunky, I love it!