Thursday, March 25, 2010

FHE Week 12

Week 12

We went on a family walk. It was beautiful out Monday night!
As we walked Emmie pointed out the moon, trees, grass, dogs...and just about everything else that she saw. This is how one of our conversations went:

Emmie: Look at that! The moon!
Me: Who made the moon?
Emmie: Jesus.

So sweet!

I didn't get any pictures of this you get to look at this one - the first time Emmie rode in her stroller. She has always LOVED her stroller rides!
(Sometimes I wish someone would push me around in a stroller and feed me snacks!)
Emmie is either 5 or 6 months in this little baldy...


Coleman Family said...

She is such a dolly in that picture! And oh my gosh! You're 38 weeks! Bring on that cute boy sister! :)

Heidi said...

too sweet! the picture and the comment about the moon. i love it!