Friday, February 27, 2009

Gotta Love Latham!

Ever wonder how to REALLY use "time-out" effectively....because what is time out for anyway? What do you do when your kid starts refusing to do as he/she's told? Ever wonder how to defuse...even eliminate tantrums? THIS BOOK HAS ALL THE ANSWERS! and coming from somebody who uses the techniques in this book DAILY with all of my preschoolers, I've gotta say, Latham has really got it down!

This is one of my favorite quotes from the book:

"Guard your children's self-esteem with the same zeal with which you would guard their very lives"'s another one too...

"How much better it is if children learn that appropriate behavior brings pleasant consequences."

Tuesday evening my school had a parent education night on Positive Parenting. I have to say it was the best attended Parent education night EVER!....You know why??? Parents are always wondering how to really be effective with discipline. Discipline is tricky....Good thing we have Dr. Glenn Latham! Unfortunately he passed away a few years ago but I know people who went to work shops of his who said he gave out his home phone number and encouraged people to call him anytime for help with discipline questions. He would even fly (free of charge) to your house and stay with you until your situation was resolved....that's how passionate he was about his work.

And just for kicks - since I'm on a Positive Disipline roll - Michelle Root (An amazing roll model for Positive Parenting) talked about her "6 rules that lead to a trusting, loving, and productive relationship with a child" at the Class.

1. Always direct discipline to the action that is happening.
2. Try to only call your child by name when you have something positive to say.
3. Get down on the child's level or go to the child.
4. Be the example - show, talk less, slow down, smile, and enjoy!
5. Stand up and protect the dignity of all people.
6. Never hesitate to ask for help to regroup and start again. The best educators/parents are the ones that never stop learning and growing throughout their entire life times.


Heidi said...

thanks elyse, i'll see if our library has this one. :)

thefrommfam said...

This book sounds great. I could sure use it for my Kindergarteners. I am going to check it out.