Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Debbie posted this in her blog and I thought it was such a fun idea. These are the directions for the game:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

picture explanation: I typed in "memories" in google images and this is one of the first things that popped up...I guess it's one of those artsy things that "speaks to you"


debsfreckles said...

I like your memory.
I remember at Ceri's bridal shower your Mom and I were talking about the fact that I was pregnant and she said, "have you seen Elyse" and I looked to see if you were noticibly pregnant and I could not tell, but apparently you and your family could.

the goughs said...

Wow... How to pick one when there are so many! The first one that came to my mind was "Duh...Full House!" That one still makes me laugh! Good times!

CF Is Not Forever said...

Sleeping on Heidi's backporch the night after we graduated on air matresses and waking up baking in the sun with the mattresses deflated around us.

Heidi said...

an entry from my journal January 7, 2000 Friday, after a most unpeppy pep rally:
"Hi-larious! How awesome would that be! Elyse and I made up our own dances! "BLONDE" style! tee hee :) That would be so kewl if I remebered it and could dance our dance when I read this in the future! I bet I will! We did the "stir the stew" move and when we brought the handle in close, we'd slap our chests like the BSU peoples and bang the floor with our hands and feeties! YA HAAA!!! :)"

I'm still laughing!! I TOTALLY remember that!! :) Love you Leesey!!

Lisa Burk said...

I can still hear the music in my head...I loved to listen to you, Heidi, and Michelle sing well, anything because you have such amazing voices. One day we will have to have a reunion and reminiss again.

Lisa Burk said...

I can still hear the music in my head...I loved to listen to you, Heidi, and Michelle sing well, anything because you have such amazing voices. One day we will have to have a reunion and reminiss again.

Heidi said...

oh, there's more! ;)

floss + mirror = endless fun

pioneer woman hairdo's

drawing eyebrows on you about 3 inches thick

green face mask

you gave me cool twisty spike hairdo on a drive home from San Diego...

blankets in san diego and people watching

too many!!!!!!!!!!!

Derek & Kellyn said...

Well, 4th ward brought some crazy memories (by the way, they're doing a reunion on Monday night at 6:30 because the bishopric is being released. Send me your email and I will send info.) Anyway, what I remember most is talking to about our missionaries coming home. We were so anxious and excited. Neither of us married are RM's. Although they are both great guys, Im sure you'll agree that its such a blessing how some things dont work out?

Cody and Britt said...

Hmmm...so many :) I used to love sleeping over at your house and watching Seinfeld with you and your parents...then in the morning we would always go out to breakfast to Village Inn or something :) And you reminded me of how we used to call companies to request flavors for their product...I think we contacted Pop-Tarts, Power Bar, and so many others...those were the days!