Friday, July 8, 2011

My First Race

This 4th of July was pretty big for me this year.  Besides doing our annual California celebration and watching the Coney Island hot dog eating contest (go Joey!), I ran my first race.  It was so awesome!

I didn't know I was doing it until we were driving through Yuma and I was (just for fun) seeing if there were any races going on in California while we were there (iphone...I love you!). AND just as fate would have it there was a race going on and even better, it was on Coronado Island were we were staying.  See...fate. 

I'm not going to lie.  I was a little nervous.  I worried about all these things that I thought could prove to be a big deal but really didn't matter at all.  (ie: what if I didn't drink enough water and I get dehydrated on the path? or what happens if the absurd amount of mexican food I just ate decides it needs a quick exit at mile 5? or, what happens if my very flimsy hair tie (the only one I packed) decides to break in the middle of the race...etc) But once the race started all those worries went away and I just ran....and ran...and was awesome.

I even met a friend.

His name is Carl and he adopted me on mile 2.

This is how we met:

Carl: "What's your time"?
Me: huh? I don't have the time
Carl: No, what's your pace?
Me: uh.....
Carl: is it under 10?
Me: I think so (I lied...I knew full well I was a 10 + pace runner when I do distance)
Carl: Good, you an me, we do this together.
Me: huh? ok....

He's a 60 year old Persian civil engineer and without him I would not have finished as fast. He clocked us every mile and made sure we were on track.  He pushed me and showed me that I could push myself hard.  I was not going to let him out run me. And I didn't...I sprinted passed him at the finish line (he didn't seem to mind...or even notice).  He even introduced me to "gel packs". holy grossness.  never again will I eat one of those...that's a lie, I probably will...but I wont enjoy it. 

Anyways, it took me 90 minutes to finish the 9.32 mile race. Not only was this a good test run for the half marathon in November but I think I started a new tradition!  Ceri says she'll run with me next year.  I'm holding her to it!


Liz said...

Awesome. I was always surrounded by old men in all my races, but decided that I couldn't be beat by them either. Awesome job! And Gu is nasty--I ate it once and promptly threw it back up.

Rusty said...

Impressive. Congrats!

Sarah Nicole said...

Awesome! I'm impressed! AND you look AMAZING!!

Carianne said...

That's so funny how you met Carl. Way to go for doing the race! I like that tradition.

Bekka said...

Congratulations on such an awesome accomplishment! You are my running inspiration! I wish we we still lived next door so we could be running buddies.

Allison said...

Yay Elyse! Great job!

Kadi said...

Awesome, Elyse! What a cool new tradition. I am so jealous that you got to run your first race in such a great place. Maybe I can crash the party next year!

Heidi said...

way to go skinny mama!!

Coleman Family said...

Wow, I'm seriously impressed! And Carl sounds like a fabulous coach! I love working out with someone like that that knows you can do more than you think you can and helps you do it!