Thursday, June 9, 2011

California or Bust!

Summer is here! And you know what that means....California here we come! I had one week off before Summer School started.  Matt was off to Utah with the East Valley Mormon Choir night after doing some semi-complaining to my mom she and I agreed that a trip to California would be a perfect way to spend the Matt-less week (a spur of the moment trip, a beach front distraction, and child-care help?? what's not to love about that?!)

Taking a driving break in Yuma...Prime needed to check his messages...he's so popular.

Day 1: Sea World

 The new Dolphin Show...I wont lie...I cried (it's that darn music!)


The Children were riveted
Emmie got a bubble shooter - it's about the most awesome toy ever.
Emmie showing off her Shark teeth
Riding a Sea Turtle

What was Prime doing during the fun? We wore him out - precious boy.

Emmie loved the tide pool and touching as many star fish that she could get her hands on.  And while we were there Matt called!

Oh! and who did we run into while at Sea World?  Stacy and her cute family!

After we left Sea World we were driving around Old Town and stopped by the newly re-opened Mormon Battalion.  It was awesome. If you have the chance you should go.!

Day 2:  Beach Day with AZ friends
On Day 1 we got a call from our friend Russ telling us that he and his wife, Debbie and sis-in-law, Connie were on their way to California and wanted some suggestions on places to see and things to do while they where there...little did they know that we were in California too. So we totally got to hang out. We had a great day - ate some awesome Italian food in Little Italy (were Prime flirted with new bff, Connie) and then enjoyed some wonderful time on the beach in Coronado.  I stole some pictures off of Debbie's blog - I didn't bring my camera down to the water and Debbie caught some great shots on her I phone...I want one sooooo bad (mom & birthday is just a few weeks away...wink wink) So if you have a second check out her blog - she's the one that got me into Curly Girl and does the Basement Sales every now and again.) Thank you Debbie for the pictures! They are awesome!


Day 3: La Jolla and some more beach time!

We ate at my favorite Mexican joint in La Jolla, Alfonsos.  They have the best chips and salsa - I crave them all year long!  I wont go into detail about why Prime is wearing Emmie's black puffed sleeved t-shirt, only that it was gross...and guacamole wasn't appetizing for the rest of the day...

 This is one of my favorite spots in La Jolla.  It holds a lot of memories for me and my family.  We would sit on that ledge for hours watching the waves crash and the sun set and in the early mornings we would go down and stick our hands in the shallow tidepools.  When Prime and Emmie are a little older we'll do that with them. 

Emmie found some seals to watch - she thought it was the coolest thing ever...and I kinda think she's right!

Later that day we had some more beach time.  Emmie dug and dug and dug in the sand.  Prime decided he loved Grammy's hat and went for it.  That kid comes up with the funniest stuff. He was so tickeled by himself too - he just kept laughing and laughing. so.stinkin'. cute.

It was a wonderful few days and the perfect way to spend some vacation time. I wont lie, having Matt there would have made it even better but he was having his own fun doing the musician thing and I'm happy that he got to do that.  Yeah for vacations and yeah for parents who go with you!  Thanks mom and dad! xoxo. 


debsfreckles said...

I am glad you got the pictures off my blog, I meant to email them to you, but....
Anyway, it was so fun to get to hang out with you on the beach. You kids are even cuter in real life!

Liz said...

Fun, fun, fun! I want to plan a trip there now too!

Random question: do you have a double stroller, which one, and do you love it? I'm in the market.

Allison said...

Looks like fun! And makes me really excited for when we take our kids to San Diego next month.

Jared and Tara said...

man it sounds like it was a popular time in california for the az folks! there's nothing better than a last minute trip. :)

Heidi said...


Coleman Family said...

Looks like a blast!