Saturday, June 11, 2011

Got ties?

Okay, so...I need some help.  I am doing a crafty project with neckties and I need a lot of them. I thought I could get some at Goodwill or DI for cheep but I went and looked - Yikes! They were each over $5 and I just can't justify spending the cash for a "first pancake" project.  Soooo...I was wondering if any one of you have any ties hanging around that are old or may have a slight stain on them and are now unwearable...I NEED THEM! Please let me know and I will come and pick it/them up and bring you some delicious cookies in exchange! please specify if you like chocolate chip or snickerdoodles (they're my best) Thanks in advance guys!


Wendi and Matt said...

If you don't get any, there's a cool thrift store on Greenfield and Main. Luteran thrift. They rock! Their ties are like .50 or 1??? Can't remember.

debsfreckles said...

Also the last time I was at di they had a ton of bags filled with ties. You just buy a whole bag of them. I didn't look at the price though, cause I didn't need them. They were in the "basement" area where all the big toys are.