Sunday, February 20, 2011

On our Menu this Week:

Yesterday on "I Am Momma Hear Me Roar" she posted about "Make 5 dinners in 1 hour". This is totally awesome! We are in a major food rut at our house and I think this may be our ticket out! This lady as already done all the prep and outlines everything. All I need is time to go grocery shopping and 1 hour (or so) to prep on Saturday...totally doable. Ceri went on her blog and looked up some of her menus. She picked 5 that looked good so we could test them out this week before committing to purchasing the program (it's really inexpensive..I'm just totally cheap).

What I've discovered is that it really does only take about an hour of prep time to get all the meal in order for next week. you want to know what we're having? I know you do.

Monday: Greek Chicken
Tuesday: Italian Baked Bowties
Wednesday: Hot Ham Cornbread Sandwiches
Thursday: Coconut Chicken Strips
Friday: Sweet & Sour Meatballs

I'm pretty psyched...mostly because I know that I'm not going to be standing in front of my refrigerator at 6:00pm this week thinking, "what can I throw together today". Is it silly that I feel completely liberated and empowered by something this simple?

oh..and this is a picture of our weeks worth of meals...minus a loaf of french bread and salad. It fits so nicely on my shelf.



miss chaz. said...

ummm YUM!
definitely going to check these out!

Liz said...

I would feel empowered too! I'm stuck in the "what can we eat now" phase. I think its permanent.

Heidi said...

oooo, rachel ray has a new tv show like this! it must be getting popular. fun fun! i love knowing what is for dinner and having some prep. way to go, idaho! (oh wait, i'm idaho... way to be, AZ!) :)

Katie said...

I saw this on "I am Momma..." but didn't really look into it or think much of it. But you inspired me to look into it and I think I might try it! So thanks!

Megan Tenney said...

Thank you so much for posting this! I just checked out her blog, and I'm going to subscribe. I am SO BAD at cooking, thinking up meals, and budget grocery shopping. Combine that with being super busy, and you can see why I almost cried when I read the description of how it works on her blog. I cannot wait to put this to the test- it seems like all my cooking woes are about to be fixed! Thank you Elyse!