Monday, February 21, 2011

A little bit of randomness

We can't seem to get better at our house...for the past 2 months it's been a constant cycle of ear eye...bronchitis...unknown viruses, and now...flu. GAH! We are so over being sick! Right now it's Matt and Emmie (and possibly prime...he's one cranky kid) But even in the midst of boogers, puke, eye goop, and poop there have been some cute moments. These are 2 from yesterday.

Emmie wrote "her name"!
Now you may be looking at this and thinking..."um, Elyse, you need to check your eyes because this does not spell her name." yes, yes, this is true BUT they are LETTERS!!! how huge is that?! AWESOME!

I love them


Heidi said...

right on, emmie is calling herself Isis, the goddess of magic. :) check her out! maybe she can do a trick and get you all well!!

Becca said...

Man, you and Lindy are stuck with sick kids over and over! Our month was January! I had someone sick ALLL month! I swear...I hope they are better soon, I hate it when my kids are sick! If you need anything let me know!