Thursday, July 23, 2009

Before I Forget

after a delicious dinner of Chicken Noodle Soup...she fed herself
Emmie Grace: 21 Months

These are all the things Emmie Grace is saying...I know if I don't write it down I will definitely forget and that would be sad...She's so funny right now - I want to remember all the little quirky things she's saying!

Mommy, Daddy, Dadoo, Mammy, Dohn(John), Nana (Dana),
Addy (Adam), Anna (Ceri)

Things Emmie Loves:
Banket/Bankie, Shoes, Socks, Elmo, Nemo, Cheese, Soup, Uk (milk), juice, book, TT (TV), Minga (treat),
Phee (Nany McPhee), P (Peter Pan), Bolt, bears (Care Bears), Cookies, Cakers,
Cak (Strawberry Short Cake), baby, tiky tiky (tickle), stick (tape)
*The girl loves her Movies...what child doesn't? We have to be very creative to get her away from the TV without having a melt down about it...I blame myself - I've always loved having the tv on just as background noise...

"Ooah Poop", Wet, Stinka (stinky), No, Yah, Stuck, Whoa,
Wow, ooah, "Whered it go?", "Dare is", "I Don't wana", "Das a _____"

Monkey, Neh (Horse), Woof (Dog), Meow (cat), Ish (Fish), bug