Thursday, September 18, 2008

My mom needed pictures of Emmie in her Tutu and headband to advertise for their "super saturday" were they'll be making them so we had to have a little photo shoot...

This is her true feelings about the experience....This is Matt trying to make her happy again...I love the "in motion"ness of the falling puffpaint bottle! After a costume change and some tickling this is the final precious!

The video doesn't have anything to do with the photo's just dang cute. My favorite is the ballerina move (or maybe yoga?) in the middle. Enjoy!


Heidi said...

i'm laughing because her cry face looks like YOUR cry face!! ;) (sigh) that's funny to me.

Anonymous said...

Aw, too cute! It's crazy for me to watch Emmie and think that my little guy will be that active in a matter of months. Right now he's really into sleeping and eating and...well that's about it!