Saturday, July 25, 2009

Our Summer Afternoons (and sometimes mornings too...)

Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language. ~Henry James

(Henry must have lived somewhere with mild summers...But I still like the quote...)

This is how we've been filling our summer afternoons....

Pedicure party...a rare treat!
Trying out Mascara for the first time
Taking an afternoon nap....because it's just too hot to do anything else
Doing a little cleaning...

Crank you neck to the side for this's a little dark...but totally cute...Uncle John has been teaching Emmie some Karate Kid moves and she thinks it's a fun new dance!

So...Emmie's Cranky when she wakes up usually (she gets that from me) This is her not wanting a was just so sad and cute all at the same time - I just had to post it. I thought she was going to say her new sentence "No. I don't wanna" but, alas, I have yet to get it on film.

Some other doings are on our CRAFT BLOG...go check it out!!


Coleman Family said...

Too stinkin' cute! Love the karate! And awww, you have a little bathroom cleaner! Teach 'em while their young! :)

Anonymous said...

I love Emmie new outfit! She looks so cute.


Wendi and Matt said...

Elyse! Thanks so much! We miss everyone in Tempe! How are you guys doin??? How is primary :)

Wendi and Matt said...

Ya just think we used to have your class and our old one for like 7 months every single week! Definitely a great challenge! The summer always goes so fun even when I work. But have fun getting ready for that! We need to keep up with each other! Emmie is sprouting like crazzy! She is adorable!