Friday, April 15, 2011

Birthday Cake

What's a birthday without cake? Prime loved his little veggie cake. me weird - whatever...but I just couldn't do the big regular cake thing knowing that he'd be eating it right before bed time. So - solution...veggie muffin's made in mini cake pans.  He just ate 4 servings of fruits and vegetable! yeah! And he loved every bite!  I got the recipe here.  It's awesome. even Emmie loves them -and that's saying a lot! Happy Birthday Prime!


Liz said...

For reals. I gave Ethan a cupcake that afternoon and put the frosting on super thin. That's okay--he still gobbled it up. Smart Mom!

PS. Got some way cute fabric and am going to attempt to sew today....

Heidi said...

well thank you for posting this so i can make these for owen's bday next month! :) happy birthday prime!