Friday, June 18, 2010

2 month and the happy tummy

Weighing in at 12 lbs 8 oz this kid is getting so big! He's already wearing 3 - 6 month clothes. I love his rolls! He's in the 75th percentile for height and weight. These first few rounds of shots are always the worst for me. 4 at one time then that nasty oral stuff. poor baby! He was a champ though - cried a bit but got over it fast.

At the appointment we were able to discuss the cranky issue with the doctor.


Matt and I have cranky babies. It's just a fact. We thought it may be a fluke with Emmie - she was colicy the Doctor thought it was a milk allergy, I went off of Dairy for 6 months while I was nursing helped but did not solve the problem. When Prime came along he lasted a bit longer without being cranky...but around week 3 or 4 the poor kid just couldn't be content. When he wasn't eating or sleeping he was crying...or fussing. No fun for anyone! When Prime would be crying, Emmie would turn to him and try to console him and when that didn't work she told him what we all were thinking, "No like that Prime! stop it! stop it cry!" poor baby. So the doctor was thinking milk allergy again, so I go off all dairy. It seemed to help a little. There would be days I would think, oh I can see it starting to work, and then there would be other days I would think, oh my heck - did I eat something wrong why is he so cranky?? Matt and I were actually getting so tired and burned out we started contemplating not having any more kids...It was so terrible. his appointment I describe all of this to the doctor and he says, "oh, doesn't sound like a dairy allergy, it sounds like gas." LIKE GAS? JUST GAS? so this whole time I was eating a special diet it WAS JUST GAS? The doctor goes on to say,"Give him some mylicon before each feeding and see it that helps." JUST GIVE HIM MYLICON??

and it did help. Mylicon is a miracle worker. He still has his "exercise" time about once a day. But Prime is a new kid when he has a happy tummy. Yeah for Happy Tummies! And because of Mylicon, we just may add another to our family down the road (just no time soon, i assure you).

p.s. I have not returned to dairy because I don't want to jinx anything, but I think I may soon give him some regular milk based formula to see if he has a reaction.


Sarah Nicole said...

My kids are allergic to casein, which is in cow's milk, soy, all other dairy products, etc. I tried going off of all of that stuff so I could still breastfeed Benji, but it didn't help. When I finally gave up breastfeeding and switched him to Alimentum formula, he was like an all new baby. It was incredible. Mylicon never helped my babies. :( I'm so glad that you found something that works for Prime so early. It took 6 months for me to figure out that Benji just needed to be switched to formula. It was probably the worst 6 months of my life!

Coleman Family said...

Yes gas medicine works wonders!!!!! LOVE it! That and baby tylenol - for some reason it knocks my babies out cold! I'm so happy things have gotten better for you - I'm definitely not looking forward to that part soon!

KBlack said...

Oh mylecon is the best stuff on earth!!! Saved my bacon sooooo many times.

Wendi and Matt said...

Ethan is the same way and I am off dairy and some days i am like wow i can do this and others i go crazzy! I never tried mylacon before the meal tho,I will try!

This is Us said...

Elyse, you should also look into hylands colic tablets. Worked better for me than mylicon and they're all natural so they don't have any side effects or anything. My son didn't have colic, he had reflux but it really helped him anyway.