Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"Those" Parents...

Today we became one of "those parents". We took our toddler to the movies and I have to say, Emmie did wonderful! She LOVED it! I didn't know what to expect. How I saw it, the outing could have gone 2 ways... either she would watch for a few minutes, get restless/cranky, and we would get those looks from people (you know, the looks that say "I cannot believe you brought a toddler to the movie theater....what kind of a parent are you?") and then quickly excuse ourselves, spending the majority of the time in the lobby, or... she would love it and be a perfect angel. Fortunately it was the second one. She was so cute sitting on Matt's lap one hand in the pop corn and an expression on her face like 'wow...this is the biggest TV ever!' She also had some cute commentary throughout the show. It was such a success that I think we may try it again sometime!

Oh, and just a plug for the Movie....Up was as good as the critics say! I laughed, I cried, I loved it! Go. See. Enjoy.

p.s. Please excuse the horrible picture. A nice combo of phone camera and Arizona sun equals bad picture!

p.p.s. Sorry about the lack of China posts...My brother-in-law is sending us a CD with all the China pictures on it because I'm too computer illiterate to figure out how to format them the right way from the group picture will be worth the wait!


Heidi said...

i can't wait to see that movie. :) i can just see emmie enthralled with the big BIG screen. :)