Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Adventures!

This is one of Emmie's favorite games...pulling out all of our videos and then crawl sliding...(you know, crawling with dvd's under her hands so she slides around - she loves it!)

Helping Granpa drive (don't worry the car is in park...)

Who needs toys when you have mommy's fake tree to play with?


david santos said...

Nice, nice and very nice Baby!
good luck
Happy weekend

CF Is Not Forever said...

Emmie is hilarious! Maelee loves DVD's too and has discovered how to take the paper out of the sleeves and eat it...AND WOW my first Babalou Baby Blog sale! You are so cool! I will get it to you ASAP! Do you mind if I give it to my mom to give it to your mom to give it to you?