Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You are all invited!

Matt is having his Doctoral recital this Friday and everyone is invited to come!
Friday, March 21, 2008
7:30 p.m.
ASU Music Building East
Evelyn Smith Music Theater
(north side of Gamage Parkway - First floor)
adult only please...the recital will be recorded

Free Admission - Refreshments following the recital!

Matt's recitals are always a lot of fun. There is some pretty crazy percussion music out there and Matt gets to play a lot of it - some of it sounds like bloops and bleeps...some sounds like noise...and the rest is very beautiful - it's a good mix! We'd love to see you and share this evening with you! (the recital will last about an hour)

In honor of this announcement here are some random pictures of Matt with his drums...and his college band...Look at them being all serious and studly!
I don't know when this picture was taken but it's pretty good!
This isn't Matt...it's just funny


CF Is Not Forever said...

Hey I didn't know he was in a band very cool! The CD Cover (or whatever its a picture for) is awesome!

Heidi said...

how awesome!! i will never forget the bleep-boop-dongs at the performance we went to. :) good luck matt! wish we could come cheer you guys on!